Placeholder DIY asphalt repair products - pothole repair, crack repair & sealing –

Driveway Repair DIY

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Want to know how to easily repair an asphalt driveway or parking lot? Get the best pothole patch, alligator patch, crack fillers, and asphalt sealcoating sealers formulated for easy DIY blacktop repairs at a fraction of the cost.

If you notice any cracks or potholes in your driveway, it's important to have them repaired as soon as possible to prevent any further, deeper-rooted damage down the line. If water or weeds begin to grow in your driveway it can deepen and widen cracks, and be more difficult to repair in the long run.

Pavemade has everything you need for your DIY driveway repair job, from equipment to crack filler and the know-how to make it happen. Whether you need to fill those alligator cracks or patch up your potholes, we've got all your driveway needs covered.

Asphalt driveways

If you notice any cracks or potholes in your asphalt driveway, it's important to have them repaired as soon as possible to prevent more damage further down the line. If ice or weeds get into the cracks in your driveway, they could deepen and worsen, and be more difficult to repair long term.

To prevent an asphalt driveway from becoming damaged beyond repair - which would be costly and more time-consuming - an excellent option is to patch up those cracks with one of our crack filling products, depending on your needs.

While a favorite for contractors and experts is hot rubberized crack filler, utilizing melter and applicator machines to complete large jobs on highways and parking lots, our Asphalt Cold Patch is a fantastic and more affordable alternative for your asphalt repair needs.

Providing a quality repair in an all-weather, permanent solution, our BOND-X GREEN high-performance pothole patch is an ideal remedy for any cracks and holes you need to fill.

If you're seeking a repair material for your concrete driveway, unlike hot and cold fillers, our cold patch can be used on either surface.

Crack filler

The go-to product for cracks of any size, crack filler is the obvious choice. Either hot crack filler or cold pour crack filler are excellent, industry-standard options for repairs of any size.

Both types are designed with the professional in mind, meaning we offer the best quality for your DIY driveway repair project. Crack filler provides excellent protection from UV rays, water damage, and extreme weather changes.

Hot rubberized crack filler

If you're looking for the best possible repair for your asphalt driveway, look no further than our hot crack filler. Contractors favor this material as it allows the strongest and most durable repair, especially for deep cracks and significant pothole repair. Even more, it can be used for those DIY asphalt repairs when combined with our industry-leading equipment.

Hot crack filler requires melting at high temperatures in a melter before it is applied to the cracked surface. It needs to be maintained at optimum temperature for the material to bond to the asphalt cracks properly for the repaired area to ensure sealing, and our HOTBOX 10 and larger capacity cousin HOTBOX 30 are designed to maintain just the right application temperature.

Hot filler dries to a spongy, elastic solid, meaning its pliability allows the repair to contract and expand with extreme temperature changes, giving more protection against future damage from rain, snow and dirt.

The product of choice for filling cracks in asphalt driveways, highways, parking lots, and even airports, this is the top of the range solution for any asphalt repair. Save money on larger jobs with our full pallet deal, which includes our industry-leading HOTBOX 10 machine!

Cold pour crack filler

Cold pour crack filler is an affordable alternative to the hot asphalt crack filler. The premium sealant is emulsion based and fortified with latex and fillers and is higher-grade than most big-box hardware store alternatives.

Cold pour crack filler is ready-to-use and can be poured directly from the container or using a piece of equipment called an applicator. It is only to be used on bituminous surfaces, not concrete, and best used to fix cracks up to 1" wide and 1/2" deep.

It must be mixed well before use and poured directly into asphalt cracks, and takes 24-36 hours to fully cure. It must be kept dry while it is curing for best results.

Cold patch

Our BOND-X GREEN High Performance Pothole Patch is a premium quality alternative to crack fillers. This special formula combines premium black aggregate with a bitumen formula using biodegradable, renewable, organic binder, replacing petroleum derivatives usually found in cold patch.

  • Industry-grade repairs
  • All-weather
  • Permanent asphalt repair solution
  • Easy to apply
  • No heating or mixing required

This powerful option instead of conventional cold patch offers a permanent solution, is easy to apply, and can repair potholes quick and with no fuss - it can even be opened to traffic immediately after application.

Asphalt tape

Another cost-saving option is Asphalt Tape, with two different options. Self-seal tape is just as it is described - similar to cold patch, self-seal tape is applied to the asphalt, compressed into place, and can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Asphalt burn-on tape is the second option, and works in a similar way to hot rubberized crack sealer. Apply the tape to the surface cracks the same as self-seal tape, but burn-on tape requires melting down into place to ensure a repair is properly sealed. This is easily done using a high BTU propane torch.

This offers a slightly better level of defense against the elements as it dries into a more elasticated solid that can contract and expand with varying temperatures.

Our patent-pending formula tape bonds to cracked asphalt in just minutes and it can be used on both asphalt and concrete surfaces.

Ideal for small driveway and pavement cracks and offering water resistance for years, our asphalt tape has earned its best seller rating with our customers - you're sure not to be disappointed.

Tips for asphalt driveway repair

The first thing to do before applying any products to your driveway cracks is to clean and prepare the surface. Ensure all debris is swept away and make use of a leaf blower and weed killer if necessary to rid your asphalt driveway of anything that may worsen the surface.

If you decide to use a pressure washer to clean the area, make sure the asphalt surface and all the cracks have thoroughly dried before applying any filler or sealer - this will prevent any moisture from getting trapped beneath the surface and causing future damage.

If necessary, use a propane burner to dry out small cracks and large holes alike to fully ensure the surface is ready for you to begin to repair cracks.

Once the surface has been prepped for your asphalt repair, make sure you prepare your chosen repair product in the right way. While some need mixing, such as the Gator Patch & Trowel Crack Sealant, others need melting before they are applied.

Your driveway cracks will get the professional treatment regardless of the product you choose - a number of our supplies are designed specifically for top of the range repairing, offering long lasting protection for years to come.

Once you've filled your cracks with your chosen product (and allowed the product's individual curing time) make sure you coat the surface in sealer. This will protect your asphalt driveway from further damage due to cold climates, UV exposure or heavy usage.

Keep an eye on the curing of your driveway if you've used a crack filler and make sure you make use of additional products such as black aggregate and our sealcoating supplies to ensure a fully functional, excellent gripping, and longer lasting driveway solution.

Concrete driveway repair

While many of our products are not suitable for use on concrete driveways, our BOND-X GREEN pothole cold patch can be used on both asphalt and concrete surfaces.

A special bitumen formula blend using biodegradable, renewable, and organic binder instead of petroleum derivatives, our cold patch has excellent adhesive qualities and can be used on any concrete or asphalt repair job - whether that's hazardous potholes, large cracks, or more.

Requiring mere minutes to complete a concrete or asphalt fix and immediately available to traffic once the repair is finished, pothole cold patch is an excellent choice for any DIY repair.


There are a number of ways to complete your driveway or pavement repairs and we have a number of options for you. If you are looking at smaller scale repairs or have a number of wide cracks, follow our guide to find the right solution for you.

Melters and Applicators

Particularly used for hot rubberized crack filler and utilized for larger areas of damage, melters and applicators are the machines used to conduct asphalt driveway repairs. Melters are first used to melt down the solid rubber crack filler and to maintain its optimum temperature for maximum results.

Applicators are then used to apply the melted down filler to the cracked surface for a smooth coat of filler, and is one of the preferred repair methods for professionals.

2-in-1 machines

Some of our best-selling machines offer both melting and applying crack filler in one easy to use machine. Our HOTBOX 10 offers optimum performance with a range of top quality features to ensure the best finish for your repairing needs.

Protect your driveway for longer

If you continue to use the best products and utilize the best equipment at affordable rates, you can maintain your asphalt driveway for years to come.

No matter what size your project, how deep your asphalt driveway cracks, or how experienced you are, you can be certain we've got the fix for you.

Remember to follow our key steps and tips for the best DIY driveway repair, whether you're working with concrete or asphalt, and get in touch with us today if you have any queries.

Can you seal a crumbling driveway?

If your driveway only has small cracks in its surface and you're catching the damage early, a simple coat of sealer might be enough to protect the driveway cracks from worsening. Using either a spray hose, broom or squeegee, you can apply sealcoat to your driveway to fill hairline cracks and offer protection against more severe damage.

What is the cheapest material for a driveway?

The cheapest material often used on driveways is gravel, though many driveways are a mixture of several products to produce the best finish.

What causes alligator cracks?

Alligator cracks are caused by load-related deterioration of the driveway surface. This is where an asphalt base is weakened or compromised, or not thick enough in the first place to withstand heavy vehicles, for example.

Will new asphalt stick to old asphalt?

An asphalt surface can be deteriorated without the need to completely resurface. In fact, existing asphalt can provide the best base for new asphalt. If you fill asphalt cracks correctly and sealcoat your driveway sufficiently, you've a much better chance of having a high quality driveway for longer.